Digital Scholarship Lab staff can help you envision a digital assignment for your class. We help identify tools and resources for your students and offer in-class instruction. Request a workshop for your class or a consultation to discuss potential assignments.

Dedicated in-lab workdays with technical assistance are available for all classes. Reserve days for your class to meet in the lab, work with software and equipment with immediate technical assistance.

Reserve Lab Space


If you are assigning a digital project, contact the Digital Scholarship Lab for instruction and support in project planning and introductory concepts.

What is DH? A Digital Humanities Primer

Heard about Digital Humanities but not quite sure what it entails? Learn about the history of DH and explore some exciting digital humanities projects from across several disciplines.

Digital Scholarship Project Planning

There are so many moving parts to a digital project, and planning your project is half the battle! In this workshop, we'll dive into project planning and management with tips and tricks to accomplishing your digital goals.