Why Jesuit Education?

Living the Jesuit Mission

Marquette is a Catholic, Jesuit university established to serve God by serving students. Our search for truth, the discovery and sharing of knowledge, the fostering of personal and academic growth in all members of our community speaks to the heart of Marquette's Jesuit mission. 

As you work to discern where your undergraduate studies will take place, we want to share a little more about our mission and what it will mean to you if you enroll at Marquette. 


Fr. Voiss on Jesuit Education




Marquette's Guiding Values

Our guiding values are those characteristics that we commit to as individuals and as an organization so that we develop a culture that delivers our mission with love, compassion and excellence.



Students are called to serve in a variety of ways during their time as Marquette undergraduates. Many get involved locally through programs like Midnight Run, while others travel abroad with organizations like Global Brigades. Jesuit education calls students to live as women and men for others. 



A Jesuit education is a transformative education. Marquette provides an academically rigorous setting in which students are called to do and be more, both in and out of the classroom. It's the Ignatian idea of magis, and it's at the heart of our students' efforts. 


Marquette embodies the intellectual traditions of the Society of Jesus, which prepare students for work in a world of increasing complexity and diversity, and for lives as ethical and informed leaders in their religious, cultural, professional and civic communities. As St. Ignatius said, love shows itself more in deeds than words.



The unfettered pursuit of truth through the mutually illuminating powers of human intelligence and faith is no easy task, but it's what Marquette students are asked to do. A Jesuit education is inclusive, because through academic freedom and ecumenical openness, knowledge, understanding and love are revealed.