Undergraduate Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes are the skills that students are expected to master and demonstrate.  With the successful completion of the degree, a History major will be able to: 

  1. Apply a body of knowledge in American, European and Global history to issues of intellectual, cultural, social or political inquiry.  (i.e., draw upon a broad base of historical information to understand, interpret, or challenge complex issues.)
  2. Identify and accurately employ historical methodologies.  (i.e., develop an awareness of history as an interpretive process.)
  3. Critically assess, differentiate, and analyze primary documents and secondary sources.  (i.e., develop the ability to selectively and appropriately employ various kinds of historical evidence, such as documents, films, diaries, images, oral histories, etc.)
  4. Formulate a thesis for an original paper or project, and craft a well-organized argument from thesis statement to conclusion.  (i.e., hone the ability to formulate and defend a hypothesis.)
  5. Employ correct citation format for footnotes and bibliographies.  (i.e., master the technical requirements of historical writing.)
  6. Defend oral and written arguments with appropriate historical evidence.